Conference Technical Committee
Steering Committee:
Dr.Eng., Ir. Pujianto Yugopuspito, MSc., SMIEEE, Dean of School of Information Science and Technology, UPH
I Made Murwantara, Ph.D., Department Chair of Master of Informatics, UPH
Irene Astuti Lazarusli, S.Kom., M.T., Department Chair of Informatics, UPH
Arnold Aribowo, S.T., M.T., Department Chair of Information Systems, UPH
Okky Putra Barus, S. Kom., M.M., M.TI., Department Chair of Information Systems, UPH
Medan Campus
Ferawaty, S.Kom., M.Kom., Department Chair of Informatics, UPH Medan Campus
General Chair:
Andree E. Widjaja, Ph.D. (Chair), UPH
Arnold Aribowo, S.T., M.T. (Co-Chair), UPH
Okky Putra Barus, S.Kom., M.M., M.TI. (Co-Chair), UPH
Arnold Aribowo, S.T., M.T. (Co-Chair), UPH
Okky Putra Barus, S.Kom., M.M., M.TI. (Co-Chair), UPH